Providing greater health access and more efficient health care delivery, especially for vulnerable populations, are priorities for anyone involved in public health. Poor health systems in developing countries mean a shortage of trained health care workers.
World Health Organization results show that while European and North American countries have doctors at a ratio of 160 to 560 per 100,000 people, African countries only have two to sixty doctors for every 100,000.In Malawi, for example, there is one doctor for every 50,000 people. The global shortage of trained hospital and health care staff currently exceeds four million. Training more staff and volunteers is one solution for improving health systems in developing countries.
At Credence, in collaboration with the governments and communities of underserved areas, we strategize to providing incentives for already trained doctors from the developed nations to serve in such countries and help build a struggling healthcare system.
Public health practitioners have stressed the importance of training more workers, creating a steady supply chain of treatments, and addressing surveillance shortcomings for decades. Adhering to these solutions requires cooperation and active coordination that extend from the public to the private sector. As a private sector player we try and achieve it to the best of our capability.