Physiotherapy is the branch of medicine which uses physical agents like heat, cold, pressure, water, current and various exercises without any medicine. It uses a range of treatment techniques to restore movement and function within body. It is effective treatment for both acute and chronic, back and neck pain. It restores the normal body function and promotes the mobility and functional ability. Physiotherapists have a proper knowledge of how the body works and are specially trained to assess the movement and function, and to relieve pain. They use physical techniques like stretching and massage instead of drugs or surgeries to improve fitness. They provide valuable healthcare to people throughout their life which are from birth to old age. It includes various specialties like cardiopulmonary, sports, neurological, musculo-skeletal, geriatrics, respiratory, pediatrics.
Physical therapist helps to prevent treat and rehabilitate the pain and dysfunction from childhood to the later ages of life. They use exercise, manual therapy and rehabilitation approaches, physical & electrical modalities as treatment methods. Physiotherapy aims to improve mobility and strength, to relieve pain and to restore physical function. PTs use an individual’s history and physical examination to arrive at a diagnosis and establish a management plan and, when necessary, incorporate the results of laboratory and imaging studies like X-rays, CT-scan, or MRI findings. They even provide education to patient and their family on how to prevent disease and how to lead a healthy lifestyle. They use variety of techniques to provide relief including Strengthening and therapeutic exercises, manual therapy and manipulation, Electrotherapy techniques, Hydrotherapy, physical agents.
Manual therapy- These include joint manipulation and mobilization, stretching.
Electrotherapy techniques-
These include Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, ultrasound.
These includes heat, cold, electricity, sound waves, radiation, assistive devices, prostheses, orthoses and other interventions.
Many people are mistaken that physiotherapists deals with only back and sports related injuries. Physiotherapists are highly trained professionals who even provide treatment for physical problem occurring from any injury or disease. Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function to as near normal as possible when someone is affected by injury, illness or any other disability. Physiotherapist can treat variety of conditions including:
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